O&K RH 120 C front shovel
Manufacturer: CONRAD
Scale: 1:50

Here is the O&K RH 120 C hydraulic front shovel, you can see
this is no small machine as that man stands there below

Besides having an greatly detailed exterior the interior
doesn't contain anymore than an operators seat and
a few side levers

The model crawls on smooth rolling rubber linked tracks

Here's a front view showing how the front is made up by the
big shovel bucket

This left side view really shows some of the details that make
this model like the deatiled walkway railings and ladders as
well as the crisp paint job

The rear is made of the big counter weight and engine vents

The right side is just as detailed as the left, this side with an
access walkway, also lined fully with hand rails

Here's an overhead shot to show you another view of all the
walkways and railings as well as all the engine detail like maintance
hatches and utility boxes along with hydraulic lines leading up the boom

The boom does everythinglike the real machine, lifts lowers,
pulls in, and pushes out

Front shovel bucket open and bottom dumps

Here's a close-up of the front six toothed shovel bucket

I think Conrad did a great job on this model and Im pleased
to display it with all my other mining models

Here's a good pic of the RH 120 C taking its first bit
into this hillside

And here's another good pic of the front shovel at work here
loading up that haul truck with heavy shovel fulls of earth and rock