LIEBHERR R 924 compact excavator
Manufacturer: CONRAD
Scale: 1:50

Here is the LIEBHERR R 924 Compact excavator from Conrad, you can get
a feel for this excavators size by using that man next to it as a reference

Side view

View of the front

Side view

Rear view

Metal linked tracks, spring loaded to stay tight and crawl smoothly

The model is in the Compact class because of its zero tail swing like
shown here

Side view to show its zero tail swing and compactability

Nice narrow toothed trench digging bucket

Has a deep digging depth when the boom is fully lowered

Comparison shot of the LIEBHERR R 924 Compact next to a LIEBHERR
R 954 C excavator

Works great for projects in tight areas and even clears dump trucks such
as this Mack featured here

This is a great model from Conrad with lots of detail and durability

Here's an in action shot of the R 924 compact, you can see here how the
zero tail swing works perfect for this project where trenching needs to be
done real close to a concrete wall