PROJECT #4 QWC water treatment plant heavy lifts
Est.Cost: T.B.D.
ETA: 21 days

Here is the QWC county water treatment plant. Under new fedral
emission regulations and energy conservation laws the plant is
being required to add a new exhaust filtering and limiting
system as well as a energy recycling power generator.

The new exhaust filtering system (left) and the energy recycling
generator (right) were brought in in pieces and esembled by
AMCO power systems

Lifting of the power systems is to be headed by two companies,
MAMMOET and SCHOLPP due to weight of the new equipment
the bid was cheaper using both companies rather than
one heading the entire project

The crane to be used for the lift will be a Manitowoc 18000.
While MAMMOET did most of the haulage of crane parts into the
plant SCHOLPP did most of the cranes essembly. Some equipment,
such as a hydraulic boom lift was rented from "ALL" equipment
rentals to assist in the project

Here is a shot of some of the Manitowoc's many rear counter
weights being lifted into place

MAMMOET had fourteen rigs running back and fourth bringing
in crane parts to keep the cranes essembly moving fast

Here's a pic of the SCHOLPP AC200 lowering in a piece of the
18000's boom sections

After all the counter weights had been placed and all the boom
sections were attached the fun process of cabling and rigging
up the crane began

The last of the MAMMOET trucks to pull in brought in the
Manitowoc's huge hook block

Once all rigged up with the hook block the crane
was ready for heavy lifting action

The first lift was to be the biggest and the heaviest, the
exhaust filtering system module

The module was chained up and rigged to the crane's hook block

As the 18000 began lifting the huge heavy system module with
eaze you could hear the strain on the thick chains as they
tensioned to there max

The crane lifted and lifted as it turned towards its target
above the main treatment plant

More lifting...

Here's a good shot of the 100+ ton exhaust filtering system
high above the ground right before being lowered onto the plant

As the Manitowoc lowered the system a worker pulled on the
hanging guide rope to get it exactly into position

Slow and steady into place it's guided

And we have touchdown! The new exhaust filtering system was
placed right on target above the treatment plant

The chains were removed from the system and a sigh of relief
could be taken from all the crew as their most difficult
lift was now out of the way...

The next day the second lift was ready to take place

The chains were lowered over the new energy recycling generator
for rigging

Still being incredibly heavy, the generator wasn't quite as heavy
and didn't have to be lifted as high, as the filtering system so
the chain rigging didn't have to be as much as before

Once all chained up the 18000 went to work

The new generator was to be placed over the power house roof top

Up and up went the generator went as the crane lifted and turned
it towards its target

Just like before, the generator had a hanging guide rope so a
worker on the roof top pull on one side and helped guide the
piece into its exact location

Perfect. Another perfect lift and touch down completed

Crews detached the chains from the generator and shook hands
for two jobs done well, completed with eaze and quickness

Now that the lifts were complete the clean up and removal
process had to begin

The huge Manitowoc 18000 lowered its boom to prepare for
its dis-assembly

Another lowering shot

...and another

...and one more as it hit ground

As the MAMMOET trucks began arriving crews went to work with the
AC200 and a hydraulic lift to dismantel the 18000 piece by piece

Here's a shot of one of the boom sections being lowered onto
one of the MAMMOET lowboys

While the trucks rolled in and were loaded others rolled out
just as fast, like this one here with another section of the 18000

Here's a pic of the AC200 removing some of the many counter
weights lining the back of the crane

Even the operators cab was detached and hauled away

More loading of counter weights...

Finally all the Manitowoc 18000 was hauled off site and only
a few pieces of equipment remained

The SCHOLPP crews packed up the last of their remains and
headed off to their next job site

MAMMOET followed shortly behind and loaded up whatever they
had left behind and headed back to the equipment yard

"ALL" equipment rentals came that same day and picked up their
hydraulic boom lift

Once MAMMOET and SCHOLPP were completly off site and their
job was done the installation crews brought in their equipment
needed to hook up the new filtering system and recycling generator

The heavy lift of both new systems was a complete success and
was finished right on schedule thanks to both MAMMOET and SCHOLPP.
Over the next few weeks the systems were hooked up and put into
service by the installation crews (shown here above) and the
plant was up and running meeting all new fedral laws, avoiding
series penalty charges