PROJECT #3 South Street Bridge demolition
Cost: $210,000
Deadline: 3 days
Company: KCC Engineering/demo
After noticing some severe crackage to the Mountain
Side City south street bridge it was decided by
authorities that it would be best to have the bridge
demolished for safety reasons. The bid was awarded to
KCC Engineering & Demo.(above you can see KCC estimater
John standing on the bridge with City official Mark Stone)
Only weeks after recieving the project KCC crews rolled
in at sunrise and closed off the bridge.
Tunnel road beneath the bridge was closed off and the
3 day timeline for KCC to complete the project began.
Within minutes after closing the road the equipment was
rolled in.(above CAT 325B L equipped w/ concrete pulverizor)
A CATERPILLAR backhoe with hydraulic hammer attachment
was dropped off
The biggest piece of equipment brought to the site was
a massive CAT 245 excavator equipped with a huge
hydraulic hammer
Here's a photo showing how KCC had to actually stop
traffic with a flagsmen when the massive CAT 245
excavator arrived due to the size of the trailer
that was need to deliver the machine
By 10:30 on Day one, only hours after closing the road,
KCC had all their equipment on site and sand was
rolling in to protect the roadway beneath the bridge
The sand was poured and spread with a backhoe
The sand was leveled out directly underneath the bridge
to form a cushion and protective barrier for the roadway
The protective coat after two truck loads of sand and
being leveled out
The CAT 245 was crawled up the hillside into place
As the CAT 245 excavator moved into position the 325B L
was fired up and the crews prepared to start demolition
The big CAT began pounding the bridge center and the
smaller CAT ripped off the steel fencing and bridge siding
Only a minute or two after the 245 excavator started
its hammering the bridges center cracked and
began sagging a few feet
Seconds later the smaller excavator and the big 245
put all their strenth down on the bridge center
and it almost instantly began falling to the ground
BOOM! Less than five minutes after the first hammer
hits from the 245 excavator the bridge was down. This
picture shows you just how fast the bridge came down
it actually lifted the 325B L excavator off the
ground because its teeth had such a strong bite
Now that the bridge was on the ground the crews
began tearing and breaking it up
Hammering, crushing, shearing, sorting
CAT 325B L putting its concrete pulverizor to work
The crews getting right back to work after a short lunch
The 245 uses its hammer to push away the last bits
of this sides hillside foundation
After the 245 excavator completed its job on the
Western side of the bridge it crawled back down
the hillside to finish up the breaking that
needed to be done on the Eastern side
It was awesome seeing an excavator of this size
use its boom and crawler tracks to pull itself up
a hill with a slope of nearly 45 degrees
Once up the excavator went back at it and began breaking
up the Eastern side of the bridge that still remained
Here's a shot of the 245 pushing out the bridges
hillside foundation
Another shot of the eastern foundation being pushed
from the hillside rebar and all
By the end of day one the bridge was completly down
and almost all the way broken to pieces
Day 2
As the concrete crushing and breaking continued on
onto day 2 a second CAT 325B L equipped with a hydraulic
thumb was delivered to began removal of the all the debre
S.A. FROMONT hauling was called in to haul away all
the material
Here's a shot of the 325B L w/ thumb at work
loading up one of the haul trucks
Second shot of the 325B L with a big piece of concrete
By the end of day 2 almost all was complete. The bridge
was completly demolished and almost all the debre
had been hauled off site
Only a day earlier a bridge crossed the roadway there
On day 3 the equipment starting with the 325B L with
pulverizor was hauled off the site
Next went the 325B L with thumb...
Then the big old 245
245 leaving the job
The backhoe and a few workers with brooms cleaned up
the final bridge remains and scooped up the sand layer
The backhoe dumping some of the sand that was used
into a waiting truck
At 3:45 on the third day the last piece of equipment
was hauled from the site
The barriers where removed late afternoon day 3 and
the job was completed just as promised
Now only 3 days after closing off the road there is
only the memory of where the old South Street
bridge used to cross