PROJECT #2 Installing new 4'wide deep sewer line extention
Est.Cost: 2.9 mil.
ETA: 45 days
Length: 1.9 miles
Contractor: KCC company

Jackson County hired out K.C.C. company to install a new deep sewer line
extention from their existing sewer line on the north end of 43rd street to
accommodatethe new housing developments under construction about 2 miles south.
The first thing K.C.C. did was come out and mark on the asphalt the path of
the new pipeline so that other utilitycompanies could come out and mark
any other underground utilities (pictured above)in thepath of the new
pipeline, such as gas lines, electrical , and telephones wires.

A few weeks later concrete barriers were brought in and blocked off the far
right lane and shoulder to enclose what was to soon become the excavation
path for the new sewer line.

The next day a John Deere 200C LC and an AKERMAN EC200 equipped with a
hammer were delivered to be used for removing the asphalt so that
excavation could soon begin.

The EC200 broke the asphalt while the 200C LC followed close behind
loadingthe pieces into trucks. From start to finish the crew removed
all the asphaltin the sewers path in only 3 days.

After all the asphalt was cleared away and the two excavators hauled
away the big boy the CX800 was delivered to begin excavation.

K.C.C. chose this particular excavator from their fleet because of the
ranging depths of the pipeline and the hard rocky soil being dug out.

The line trench was excavated from 12' deep to 15' deep (due to the road
sloping up). The dirt dug from the trench was piled up on the right road
shoulder and dirt slope to allow for easy backfilling later. Because of the
soils hardness trench boxes weren't necessary for lining the trench which
saved valuable time and money.

On the north end where the road curves and the pipeline extention begins
K.C.C. set up a base ground for their materials and equipment, heres
a pic of Bob the foreman for this project busy talking on his cell
phone trying to get the citys inspector out for approvals.

The new pipe, 4' wide concrete pipe with steel ends and painted blue, was
delivered on the fifth day of excavation.

A CATERPILLAR 375 excavator was brought in and used to lower the new
pipe sections into place one by one. Here you can see why it was the
perfect excavator, itcrawls right over the top of the pile of dirt and
its incrediably long boom allows it to reach all the way into the ditch
even being high up on the dirt pile.

Here's another good shot to show the 375's long reach as it puts that
pipe segment tightly into place.

Since these concrete pipes were lined with a steel strip on the end the
pieces had to be welded together for maximum strength. You can see where
the welders welding just how tight the segments fit togther once attached.

Twenty days into the project now K.C.C. brought in one of their CAT 980G
loaders to begin the backfill process.

Crushed rock was delivered thanks to MOORE'S TRUCKING that due to city
code must line at least 1' of backfill directly above the pipline. (A
total of 26 truck loads of crushed rock were trucked in for the entire
pipes length)

The 980G follows behind the welder and drops into the trench the
necessary amount of crushed rock needed for backfill. Heres a good
view of the different stages in the project you can see the CX800
in the background still digging the trench then the 375 up on top
of the dirt pile followed by the welder below and then the 980G here
dumping the crushed rock covering up the pipeline.

Once the 980G began backfilling a compaction wheel attachment was brought
in for the 375 to use in compacting the crushed rock and backfill as the
980G dumps it into the trench.

This proved to be a good efficient use for the 375 since time had
to be killed between the trenching and laying of pipe, this saved K.C.C.
money in not needing to bring in another excavator for the task.

After all the necessary crushed rock was placed and compacted then the
980G pushed the dug up dirt back into the trench filling it, followed
by the 375 compacting this middle layer and then the remaining dug up
dirt was pushed in from the pile and a HAMM 3414 compactor was used for
a final compaction to insure maximum denstity to elliminate the chance
of further soil settlement which would cause road sinkage and damage
in the future.

Once the final segments of sewer pipe were layed and welded and then backfilled
the big heavy equipment had finished there job and were hauled off.

Coming to the end asphalt was poured and K.C.C. used their HAMM 3414
smooth drum roller for a base heavy compaction.

Finally the new asphalt was smoothed and compacted with the CAT vibrating
roller making the road once again ready for traffic making it seem like
there wasn't even a huge trench there only days earlier.

The last step after all the new asphalt was put in was to install
a layer of concrete around the manholes that lined the new sewer line
every 700 feet or so. After the concrete dried and the manhole covers
were placed the concrete barriers were removed making the job done in
41 days, 4 days before projected!

Day 45 K.C.C. loaded up the last of their things, along with the nice
bonus check they recieved from the city for finishing the project
earlier than said, and headed back to the yard to see whats in store
for them next...