LIEBHERR LR 634 track loader
Manufacturer: CONRAD
Scale: 1:50

Here is the LIEBHERR LR 634 track loader from CONRAD, you can get an
idea of this machines size by comparing it to that man beside it

Side view

Front view

View of the other side

Rear view

Pic of the cab, inside features standard details, outside features side
mirriors and a windshield wiper

Metal linked tracks

Rear contains a 3 shank ripper line-up

Rippers raise and lower

Fully functional boom and backet, the bucket tilts back...

...tilts forward...

...raises high...

...and dumps

The awesome thing about this model where it outdoes the CAT 963D is
how much higher it reaches and can dump as this photo proves

Another comparison shot of the 634 next to the 963D

The loader can easily clear dump truck models such as this Mack Granite

Loaded up on a lowboy the Liebherr LR 634 heads off to local demo site

Here's an unusual pic of the LR 634 in action digiing into the hillside
to create an access roadway up to the top