LIEBHERR 984C Litronic excavator
Manufacturer: CONRAD
Scale: 1:50

Here is CONRAD's beautiful LIEBHERR 984 excavator, you can get
an idea of its size with that man standing next to it waving

Cab detail includes operators seat, side display panel, and floor
foot pedals as you can see

One of the best features of this model are its metal linked tracks

View of the rear which even includes proper warning labels painted

Pic of the opposite side, includes detailed ladder and railings

Super thick boom stick with dual upper hydraulics

Front view, shows big toothed bucked with protective under lining

The excavator showing off its maxiumum digging depth...deep!

Full 360 degress rotation capability, you can also see the railing
and walkway detail to the cab in this photo

This is a great model all around and even small deatils such as
touching up the rivits with paint has been acomplished this
is an awesome addition to any collection, there is also a
white LIEBHERR mining livery version available

Here's a pic of the 984 loaded up on this big lowboy heading off
to take its first big bite out of the earth

Great shot of the 984C working hard loading those articulated
trucks one after another