Hitachi Zaxis 450LC excavator
Manufacturer: ERTL (high detail)
Scale: 1:50

Here is ERTL's awesome high detail Hitachi Zaxis 450LC excavator model, you
can get an idea of the excavators size with that man beside it

Shot of the cab with plastic detail insert

Metal tracks!!!!!

Front view

Side view, features an access ladder and side cab mirriors

Rear view, with large counter weight

Right side view, with railings and mounted mirrior

Features an opening engine compartment with detailed engine

Hydraulic lines run up and down the boom to the hydraulic cylinders

Large toothed digging bucket

Nice high reach

Like the other ERTL excavators this model doesn't have the deepest of
digging depth capability but that doesn't take away from the model

The Hitachi teamed up with its brother the DEERE 450D LC

This is an awesome model from ERTL, besides some very minor fixable
flaws like the large rivits and the excavators digging depth, I must say they
have come a long way this new high detail line is great offering tons of
detail, and even metal tracks, at a price everyone can afford!

Here's a shot of the Hitachi 450 in action getting a big scoop of material

Another shot of the Hitachi excavator in action loading up this belly dump