Pic #1 of Pat Dufour's enormous collection

Pic #2 of Pat's Collection

Pic #3 of Pat's Collection

...and pic #4 of Pat's collection! Beautiful

Joe Summerhill's custom built JCB JS160LC excavator with attachments

Second view of Joe's JCB

In action shot of Joe's custom work

And another shot of Joe's JS160LC

Joe's crew just keeps at it working non-stop

Here's a pic of Joe's custom Volvo excavator

Mr. Summerhill's crew finally deciding to go home for the day

Joe's track loader

Joe's crew at work on another site preparing for a new warehouse

Close-up of Joe's JCB JS160LC at the groundworks warehouse project

Joe's JCB playin in the mud
Joe's track hoe doing some foundation digging
Joe's Custom JCB JS145W wheeled excavator

Front view of Joe's Custom JCB JS145W wheeled excavator

Joe's crew preparing for a long days work ahead

Joe's JCB loading up a dumper

Pic Joe's excavator getting a big scoop

Pic of Joe's loader moving a pile of soil

5110B doing some hardcore earth moving, pic by Joe Summerhill and Luke Kerry

Joe Summerhill and Luke Kerry's CAT 777D driving off after being loaded by the 5110B

Side shot of Joe Summerhill and Luke Kerry's 777D

Joe and Luke's 5110B waiting for the 777D to dump it's load and return for more

Off in another corner of the site Joe and Luke have a RH 120 E eating up the rocky hillside

Ashleigh's large heavy haulers at work

Ashleigh's LTC1055 lifting high into the sky

Second shot of Ashleigh's crane crew

Ashleigh's hauler fleet

Two of Ashleigh's custom trucks in "CADZOW" livery

Rear view of Ashleigh's customs

Ashleigh's crew standing around

Uh oh Ashleigh's crews gettin busted by the boss

Ashleigh's crane co. preparing for a big pick

A test lift, but the cranes soon realized the load was too heavy

Ashleigh's timber yard

Ashleigh's model garage

Ashleigh's model garage pic 2

The oil has just arrived at Ashleigh's garage

It does fit in the garage! Ashleigh's huge 5110B in for service

Pic sent in by William Scally of his excavators in action

Scally's CAT 365B L hard at work

Close-up action shot by Scally

Scal's 365B L showing just how deep it can go

Scal's 777D tanker at work

One of Scal's local demolition projects

Second view of the demo excavator by Scally

Steel erection pic from Scal

Scal's Komatsu Material Handler crawling onto a large lowboy

Scal's Komatsu all loaded up ready for transport
Tom Drummond's construction crew hard at work installing a new water main pipe
for all the new housing developments under way

Tom Drummond's PC100LC-6 loading up haul truck after haul truck, to level out the
ground serface for the new Drummond express way

Click here to see some of Scott Fenwick's amazing ADT's

Manitowoc 2250 165,00 lb concrete plant furnace pick at 40 foot radius by Robert Reilley,
easy compared to the 300,00 lb lift at 40 foot radius he also had to complete

Part of a furnace lift at the above shut down concrete plant, provided by Robery Reilley

Mr. Robert Reilley himself

P&H 140 with 150 ft. main and 60 ft. jib from Robert

Second view of the P&H 140 from Robert at Tempel Hospital Philli. Pa

One more pic of the P&H with its mast lowered courtesy of Robert Reilley

An old haul truck sent in by Kevin R. from his trip to the Ariziona mines

Another old piece of mining equipment pictured by Kevin

An old crane was also at the mine site so here's a pic of that as well from Kevin

One more shot of the crane up close courtesy of Kevin R.

David Chapman's Mack truck loaded with hot asphalt

David Chapman's paving crew in action laying some new roadway

Here's a pic sent in courtesy of Adrian Wilson of his new line-up of CAT's

Adrian's 980G doesn't waste anytime loading up the 725 with large boulders

Flow-boy loading a transfer machine and then into the asphalt paver sent in by Brianuch

Transfer machine loading into paver, sent in by Brianuch

Putting asphalt base down in a new subdivision, sent in by Brianuch

One of Brianuch's awesome Flow boy's

Pic of Chris Relf's stunning collection display

Chris Relf's new JCB 8016 mini excavator

Would you guess this babies belong to a 14 year old??? Becasue they do! Infact he already
has 43 models! This is just one of his 4 cases

Here is another great photo, this one of Justins CAT, Case, and DEERE

Pic of Jordan Greek's CAT 140H grader!

Side view Jordan Greek's CAT 140H grader with rippers down

Shot of David Lancaster's AWESOME crane collection!

Up close photo of Davids heavy lifters

The king of David's lifter fleet

Riley Van Praag's construction crew at work

Riley's 320C L digging out an old pipeline

Riley's CAT excavator doing some backfill work

Pic 1 of kranetechnik's crane collection

Pic 2- The Ac500's

Pic 3- Wow!

Pic 4 of kranetechnik's collection

Pic 5- The two knuckleboom trucks

Photo of Quinton from Sydney Australia to show off is cool collection

Pic 2 of Quinton's collection

And one more shot of Quinton's awesome collection