CAT 345B L w/ felco compactor bucket
Base Models: Norscot 385B L, Norscot 345B MH
Scale: 1:50
Here is my custom CAT 345B L with Felco compaction bucket attachment.
The 345B L I created using the exact same steps like in my "345B L
how-to" section and then I dremmeled down the tips of the dipper to
fit this CCM compaction wheel bucket attachment
This is an awesome attachment created by CCM
Attachment is made from solid metal and brass
Overhead view
Close-up, compactor wheel really works and turns, you can even see
the "Felco" logo decals on the sides of the bucket
Front Shot
Side shot
Off to the construction site to begin backfilling a pipeline project
Here's a great pic of the 345B L putting its compactor bucket attachment to
work as it backfills this pipe trench with sand and then a finish layer of top soil
A close-up shot of the excavator in action backfilling and compacting this
twin side by side pipe installation project trench