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"McAninch Corp." CAT D10T w/ 621 scraper pan

Base Model(s): NORSCOT D10T dozer, NZG 621 scraper

Scale: 1:50

Alright here is my personal favorite custom model that I've built

so far... it is my CAT "McAninch Corp." D10T with 621 scraper

 pan.You can get an idea of the machines size with it's

 operator standing on the tracks there

The base model, as I'm sure you already guessed, is a Norscot

D10T bulldozer with the blade and rippers removed. The 621 pan

came from an NZG scraper which I removed the front end from

and added a steering tow bar

The model is made to look similar to what the McAninch Corp.

uses and so the proper "McAninch" decaling has been added

Front / side view with open lowered pan

Side view with raised closed pan

Rear side view with pan closed and raised

Opposite rear side view with pan open and lowered

Here's a close-up of the pan conversion to show you how I removed

the scraper front end and added in a "T" type tow bar made

of square brass. Also hydraulic lines have been placed to

run from the pan to the D10T

Close-up to show the pan's hydraulic lines connecting up with the D10,

as well as the installed curved hitch for the pan loop handle

to hook up onto

When ready for transport the pan un-latches from the D10's hook

and the hydraulic lining pulls out fron the D10 connector holes

The scraper pan is fully functional, it opens, lowers down and

can scrape down incredibly deep  to the point where the

rear tires lift way off the ground

The pan raises

And even as a complete hydraulic cylinder ejector plate

The pan is also decaled like the D10T in "McAninch" livery

Due to it's large size and weight the D10T is detached from the

scraper pan and is transported in two sections when needed

I am extremely pleased and happy with how this model turned out

in the end and I personally believe this is my best custom so far!

you don't have to agree with me on that one;)

Here's a shot of the McAninch pull scraper in action at this

mass grading project for a future residential development


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