CAT 793C mining haul truck
Manufacturer: NZG
Scale: 1:50

Here is the HUGE CAT 793C hual truck, you can just see the
size of this beast as it stands over that man below

The cab is complete with two seats and a drivers steering wheel

The big rubber front tires turn

Frontal view showing all the front details like the big radiator grille,
lights, staircase with railings leading to the cab, and the four
air intake filters

Here's a view of the far side which once again shows the tire
size and huge steel overhead dump body

The rear

This is a close-up of the rear independent suspension system

As you can see this thing is capable of hauling a whooooole lot

The dump body can be fully tilted up by a 3 stage hydraulic to empty

Close up photo of the dump body hydraulic sytem and dual fuel tanks

This thing is even complete with a full drive shaft from the
front engine to the rear axle

Here's a picture with the front left tire removed to show you a
a better view of the working front suspension system, as well
as the big CATERPILLAR engine located in the center

This is really cool mining haul truck, and although a bit smaller than
the CAT 797B haul truck, you can see here it is much bigger than
the NORSCOT 777D and can haul about twice the load size...

Here's a pic of the 793C loaded up speeding down the haul
road as if it's a tiny little honda