CAT 385C L UHD machine
Base Model: NORSCOT 365C L FS
Scale: 1:50

Its finally done! Here is my massive custom CATERPILLAR 385C L ultra
high demolition machine, just look at how small that 6' man next to the
cab looks next to this beast!

Features wide metal linked tracks to keep the model sturdy and balanced
(from CAT 5110B excavator)

The demolition boom is a MDC resin kit that I painted
and modified to work on the CAT 365C L body

The original model is a Norscot 365C l FS that I completly
cut up and lengthened and molded into a 385C L body structure

The back end of the model is filled with large steel
washers for extra weight to ensure the model won't tip over

The machine is fitted here (and above and below...) with a
three piece demo boom with hydraulics from the CAT 5080
model and from MDC company

The tip is fitted with a ZON hydraulic crusher jaw attachment,
the hardware at the end was created using parts from the Norscot
365B L excavator and a MDC hydraulic cylinder

The entire model has been painted in the new CAT color (obviously)
and decaled with CAT logos and Caution signs

Here's another frontal view showing off all the hydraulic lining detail

Another side shot

...and another

The total extended length of the model is close to inch to meet the difference
in scale size between the CAT 365C L and the CAT 385C L

With the booms fully raised upward the total reach is nearly 31 inches!

Upclose to the crusher jaw

more pics...

...and more

To make this baby the Mack Daddy of demolition I've also got a MDC
demolition boom extension piece to make this already HUGE model even BIGGER!
The boom is put together so that assembly and disassembly is as easy as
just removing two brass pins from each joint (like shown above on the add-on)

Side shot with extension installed

Front view with boom addition in place

Rear view with lengthened boom

And the right side view with the extension in place

Close-up shot of the boom extension piece

Pic with the boom raised

Rear shot

Front shot

Side shot

Side shot 3

With the additional boom extension in place this demolition giant can now
reach a total height of 36 inches or 3 feet!!!

The cab is completely enclosed and caged for protection from falling debres

Cab tilts upward for easier visability (your neck would really start to hurt staring
upward 11 stories all day without the tilt cab...)

Cab tilts by a hydraulic cylinder placed below

The crusher jaw is fully functional it; opens...


...and can spin a full 360 degree's

shot 2 of the rotaing crusher jaw

The crusher gets its shear force from a large hydraulic cylinder placed within

Pretty scary upclose

Here's a shot to show you just how large the crusher attachment is,
that 6' man can't even reach the tip

Photo of the 385C L UHD solo with the demo boom detached

The hydraulic lines that run up and down the boom to the hydraulic cylinders
and the attachment at the end are drilled out for the fitting and defitting
of the hydraulic lines when attaching or detaching the boom segments

Close-up of the hydraulic lines on one of the detached boom segments

Close-up of the hydraulic lines on one of the attached boom segments

Close-up of the hydraulic lines at the boom center piece

Close-up of the hydraulic lines at the body, as well as all the brass
railings and handrails

The rear counter weight can be deatched for transport

Fitted with a hydraulic hook-chain lift

Weight lifts and then lowers into its locking folds

Once in place and locked the hydraulic cylinder lift lowers all the way down
away from visability

Here's a great comparison shot of the 385C L UHD machine next to the Conrad
LIEBHERR 954 BV, if you didn't believe this thing was big before now you
get the idea of its shear massive size

Second shot for comparison

365C L / 385C L UHD comparison

365C L / 385C L UHD comparison shot 2, the rear

CAT 385B L / 385C L UHD comparison

This thing takes a whole convey of trucks to transport the pieces, heres a
shot of a few of the trucks driving out of the construction yard

Wow this baby took forever to build, countless hours-days-weeks-months..., but
it's finally done! I must say in the end I think it was all worth it.. I'm very
pleased how it all came together and the end result is even better than I
had originally imagined in my mind=) I hope you all enjoy it too!

Here's a shot of the CAT 385C L UHD in action eating away at this old
hotel building

Pic 2 of the dinosour chomping away

Pic 3 of the beast eating its lunch