CAT 245 excavator w/ hydraulic hammer
Manufacturer: NZG
Scale: 1:50

Here is the CAT 245 excavator with hydraulic hammer by NZG, you can get
an idea of this piece of equipments size with its operator standing next to it

The cab is quite disappointing because there is nothing inside not
even one of the usual plain platic inserts...

The excavator rolls on wide rubber tracks

Here's a front view showing the large hydraulic breaker

Operators side view

Rear view

View of the right side

Close-up of the hydraulic hammer

The hammer's breaker pushes in when pressure
is applied to simulate the real breakers

Demolishing the camera lens...

245 with breaker Vs. 245 with bucket

Some other variations the 245 comes in from NZG

Off to work the CAT 245 with hammer goes on this multi-axled hauler

Here's a pic of the Caterpillar 245 with hydraulic hammer at work breaking
up large chunks of concrete at this bridge demo project site