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Bauer BG 40 drill rig

Manufacturer: BRAMI

Scale: 1:50

Here is the awesome new Bauer BG 40 drill rig from Brami, you can get an

idea of this machines massive size by comparing it to that man beside it

View of the operators side

Front view

Right side

The rear

The cab is very detailed as you can see consisting of everything from

the computer screen to the joysticks and levers

Metal linked tracks

The model comes unassembled with everything shown

The drill rig preparing for assembly

Lowering boom to attach mast

Mast slides into place and then a pin is inserted into the lock hole

The drill parts are lined up ready for assembly

Guide sheild is slide onto mast

The final product after full assembly (which takes about 30 mins...)

Front shot with drill auger all setup

View from the right side- noitice how all the rivits are painted

And an overhead pic

The top of the boom mast is just like the rest of the model, extremely

detailed and realistic looking with walkways, pullies, and hydraulic lines

Close-up of the augers rotary motor with vibration springs (auger really turns)

A ladder runs the length of the boom as well as hydraulic lines that

run up to the rotary motor

Two big hydraulic cylinders operate the boom to raise and lower it

The booms angle is controlled by two hydraulic cylinders at the bottom

Hydraulic lines lead to all cyliders and winches

Hydraulic lines lead from all the cylinders and winches back into the body

3 winches in total including one auxiliary winch

Nice etched steel covers

Detailed air intake, exhaust,and even amber warning beacon lights

A key is provided to operate the main winch that controls the auger

Key inserted to operate main winch, winch is set-up with a locking

system which keeps the cable tight and so it won't unravel

Bottom of the boom contains a working stabilizer pad

The BG 40 even features a swing over auger cleaner

Close up shot of the auger drill's tip and bitting teeth

Has an extreme drilling depth

How deep do you want those piliers to be??

Another great feature about this model is its break down for transport,

not only does the boom assembly come apart but the counter weight

can also be removed

Counter weight detached

The wide tracks slide in to make the model much easier for moving

Tracks slid in

Two hydraulic cylinders on each track slide it

But what about the walkway that sticks out after the tracks are brought in?

Don't worry even that flips up!

Considering how huge this model is it does easily transport once


Here's a comparison shot of the BG 40 next to the BG 24H to give you an

idea of how big the BG 40 really is

Rear comparison pic

And a side shot

...And one more photo, here next to the Soilmec SR-70 drill rig. The BG 40

is a GREAT model from BRAMI, although costly you get all that you pay

for... The detail is as if they just took the real machine and just shrank

it down! If you get the chance to purchase one I highly suggest you

do you will not be disappointed!

Here's a shot of the huge BG40 in action drilling deep for the foundation

of a new muiltistory building


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