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CAT D9R dozer

Manufacturer: NZG

Scale: 1:50

Here is NZG's CAT D9R dozer, you can get an idea of this machines

size with that man waving next to it

Nothing special to see on the inside besides an operators seat

Rubber linked tracks

Front consists of a large push blade

Side view, shows overhead R.O.P.S.

Rear view with large ripper tooth

Right side view

The blade lowers down...

...raises up...

...and tilts forward/back

Rear features a large ripping tooth

Blade lowers down into the earth

Blade can also tilt forward and back

D10T vs. D9R

Makes a nice oversized load for the TWH lowboy

Here's a pic of the D9R in action tearing into the soil loosening it up

for the scrapers to come and scoop up


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