LIEBHERR R 954 C excavator
Manufacturer: CONRAD
Scale: 1:50

Here is the LIEBHERR R 954 C excavator from Conrad, you can get an
idea of this machines size by using that man next to it as a reference

View from the front

View from the side

View of the rear

View of the opposite side

Metal linked tracks

Hydraulic lines

Wide toothed digging bucket

Has a nice deep digging depth capability

Being the next model up from the previous 954B this is yet another
great model available from Conrad

Two 954's on display

Comparison shot of the LIEBHERR R 954C next to a CAT 365B L

Shot of the LIEBHERR excavator all loaded up on a lowboy and heading
out to mass excavation project in the hills

Here's a pic of a couple R 954 C excavators in action loading up some ADT's
at this highway building project