CAT 5130 Hydraulic Shovel
Manufacturer: NZG
Scale: 1:50

Here is the enormous CAT 5130 hydraulic front shovel just look at
it's size as it towers over that man below

The cab is lined with specially tinted windows and inside includes an
operators seat, twin joysticks,full side display panel and foot pedals

This beast walks on thick rubber tracks

Heres a side and rear view of the machine you can see its gigantic
counterweight that takes up the whole back wall and you can see
the big radiator side vents as well as all the above railing detail

The opposite side including all the same details

This is an above picture to show all the upper details such as all the
railing and walkway details, the twin exhaust pipes and mufflers,
the air intake vents, and the lower engine compartment ladder

Model comes complete with two working slide down ladders, one
on each side (shown here pushed up)

Ladder pulled down

The opposite side with ladder up...

...with ladder down

Frontal view, shows all the boom hydraulics and the high
overlooking operators cab

Hydraulic lines are included

Here's a close up pic of the thick massive toothed front shovel

Shovel opens for quick dumping and fast truck loading

Machine can rotate full 360 degrees, pic here showing wide
opening shovel and reach

The 5130 is also available in a bucket version

This is a finally crafted model and shows just how close NZG
comes to making it identical to the real machine

Here's a picture taken of the 5130 shovel digging into the
rocky mountain side grabbing one huge shovel full