CAT 330D L excavator
Manufacturer: Norscot
Scale: 1:50

Here is the cool CAT 330D l track excavator from Norscot.
You can get a rough idea of the hoe's size with that man next to it

Front shot- Nice new CAT power edge colors & all rivits are painted

Side view- New CAt power edge colors & logoing

The rear and counter weight

View of the opposite side

METAL linked tracks! Woooo

View looking down to show hydraulic lines leading from the hydraulic pump
up onto the boom. You also get a good shot down on the operators cab
side mirror as well as the handrail and mirror on the right side

The excavator has a nice deep digging depth capability

Has a 5 toothed digging bucket

This model even features a working quick coupler!

Bucket contains hooks and a rod for the coupler

Coupler about to be engaged...

...locks onto hooks...

..then snaps down onto the rod

This model is phonemonal! The amount of detail you get for the price is
out of this world! Norscot has come a really long way and this model is just
a piece of proof of what they are capable of, great job and I can only hope
that we see more models like this to come in the future

Here's a shot of the CAT 330D L heading out of the yard and into the

Photo if the 330D L loading up a Mack dump truck

Here's a shot of the 330D L in action out in the field loading up the Mack
dump with some large scoops of rock and dirt